The Truth About Biden's Gas Prices That Facebook Doesn't Want You To See

March 14, 2022

Athens, GA - Protect Freedom PAC, an independent organization dedicated to supporting pro-liberty and freedom-minded candidates nationwide, recently produced a satirical graphic highlighting Joe Biden's role in rising gas prices. After being posted on social media, this graphic became the latest target of big tech censorship. Shortly after the ad buy for the graphic went live, the ad buy was suddenly and unfairly canceled by Facebook for "misinformation."

Protect Freedom PAC spokesman Michael Biundo stated:

"People all around our country are suffering heavily from the worst gas prices we have ever seen. The purpose of this piece was to draw attention to this ongoing problem, but big tech decided that they didn't like our criticism of Biden. Without any detailed explanation, our organization's social media post was flagged for 'misinformation,' and then, shortly after that, our ad was shut down.

"The reality is that the American people have every right to criticize Joe Biden over these outrageous gas prices. During the Trump administration, we achieved energy independence for the first time in nearly 70 years, and we were a net exporter of energy. Americans were paying less at the pump, and American business and our economy were thriving. Under Biden, gas prices have surpassed the highest numbers we have ever seen, and Biden and his administration have failed to address this situation adequately. Big tech censorship is protecting Joe Biden and his administration from the criticism they deserve, and we will not stand for that."

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